• Symposium “10 years Faculty of E-commerce and the development orientation”
    In June 19, 2015, VECITA cooperated with University of Commerce to hold the national symposium “10 years Faculty of E-Commerce and the development orientation”.

    Mr. Tran Huu Linh – Director General of VECITA, Professor Dinh Van Son, Ph.D. – President of University of Commerce (UOC), and representatives of other university, college as Associate Professor Le Phuoc Hao, Ph.D. – Rector of PetroVietnam University, Ph.D. Phan Thi Thanh Thao – Vice Rector of ThanhDo University, MSc. Pham Van Dat – Vice Rector of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, MSc. Chu Duy Hoa – President of Commercial and Industrial Vocational College, Ph.D. Nguyen Anh Tuan – Vice President of Hanoi University of Industry, Ph.D. Nguyen Thi Kim Ly – Vice President of Thai Binh University, and hundreds of students and former students of Faculty of Ecommerce of University of Commerce, attended the symposium.
    Remarked in the opening, Professor Dinh Van Son, Ph.D. – President UOC summarized the formal education activities in higher education level of E-Commerce of UOC in the last 10 years. As the first university of Vietnam establishing the faculty of e-commerce, up to now, UOC trained thousands of regular students of this faculty. This has contributed the human resource for the development of e-commerce in Vietnam. Education on e-commerce is a topical and urgent task of universities and colleges in the whole country, especially the ones that focus in faculty of commerce. 
    Speaking at the symposium, Mr. Tran Huu Linh – Director General of VECITA said, major of e-commerce was incorporated in the curriculum since 2005, now in the whole country there are more than 100 universities and colleges having major of e-commerce. According to the annual survey to a group that applied e-commerce frequently with more than 80% of the group was enterprises (equivalent to 1000 enterprises), the demand on e-commerce human resource is really big. In the next period, definitely this demand will increase by many times when Vietnam having the ICT application level in management, production, and business activities keep growing. In order to enhance the development of e-commerce, MOIT now focus in strengthen the education activities on e-commerce to satisfy timely the demand on high quality human resource.
    Mr Tran Huu Linh also said that, education institutions, especially universities and colleges need to pay attention to the major of e-commerce, define clearly the specified orientation, design training program, build the contingent of teachers, and strengthen the connection between them and enterprises.
    According to Mr. Tran Huu Linh, the demand on specified human resource of ICT and e-commerce is quite big. Therefore, recruiting staffs capable of working in enterprises is still a issue that need to be evaluated, understood both the subjective and objective reason to find the most effective solution. Every year, VECITA and VECOM will cooperate with top domestic enterprises on e-commerce to provide experts, and infrastructure for student major in e-commerce to have chance to practice and being recruited.
    In the symposium, representatives of associations and enterprises shared information, discussed solutions, and suggested orientation for the development of e-commerce in future. Typically as representatives of Commercial and Industrial Vocational College and Danang Commercial Vocational College spoke about the reality and the need of training human resource for society; enterprises like Amazon Singapore, Technology Joint Stock Company DKT, VCCorp, e-marketplace Deca.vn showed their e-commerce business model and also suggested solutions for matching students with suitable jobs.
    Also at the symposium, Mr. Tran Huu Linh awarded certificates of merit of MOIT for UOC and Faculty of E-Commerce on the occasion of the celebration of 10 years. Moreover, UOC awarded certificates and medals for organizations, and enterprises that supported Faculty of E-Commerce for years. Thanks to their support, 93% of new graduate students were employed, according to statistic in April, 2015./.