• Article 1: Roles and functions

    1. Vietnam e-Commerce and Digital Economy Agency is an organization governed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade: (i) consulting, assisting the Minister of Industry and Trade in state management and law enforcement functions in terms of e-commerce and digital economy activities; (ii) organizing and managing public services serving the State management of Vietnam e-Commerce and Digital Economy Agency in accordance with regulations of law and decentralization and authorization of the Minister.

    2. Vietnam e-Commerce and Digital Economy Agency (hearafter abbreviated as the Agency) has the juridical personality and account opened at the State treasury; seal to operate and transact in accordance with regulations of law. 

    English international transaction name is Vietnam e-Commerce and Digital Economy Agency. Abbreviation: iDEA. 

    Head-office location: Ha Noi City.

    Article 2: Tasks and powers

    1. Build up strategies, plans, programs, projects, legal documents, mechanisms, policies, technical standards on management of e-commerce and digital economy activities within the Ministry's management scope and submit them to the Minister for approval or for the Minister’s submission to the competent State management authorities for approval. 
    2. Conduct, instruct, and inspect the implementation of legal documents, strategies, plans, programs, projects, mechanisms, policies, technical standards on e-Commerce and digital economy after being approved by the competent authority.
    3. Formulate professional guidance documents on e-Commerce, digital economy, particular and internal documents in terms of the Agency’s field. 

    4. In terms of managing e-Commerce activities
    a) Preside or participate in drawing up legal document, strategies, plans, mechanisms, policies, solutions that support and develop e-commerce; submit them to the Minister for approval or for the Minister’s submission to the competent State management authorities for approval. 
    b) Guide, verify, monitor, track, inspect, and review the implementation of strategies, plans, mechanisms, policies on e-Commerce; 
    c) Monitor, examine and supervise the implementation of legal documents on e-commerce of organizations, individuals and enterprises nationwide; conduct the inspection specialized in e-commerce;
    d) Act as the focal point for receiving and handling the procedure of registration, notification and grant of permits for e-commerce activities in accordance with regulations of law; settle disputes of e-commerce operation in accordance with competence;
    e) Advise and manage the National plan on e-commerce develoment; preside or participate in implementating projects, schemes, plans on e-commerce;
    f) Verify projects, schemes, programs on e-commerce under the authorization;
    g) Conduct to implement e-commerce statistics missions, and national statistics plans;
    h) Preside or participating in conducting the activities that support and develop e-commerce. Advise the Minister of state management on social – professional organizations on e-commerce. 

    5. In terms of developing e-commerce and digital economy
    a) Preside or participate in researching, drawing up strategies, solutions, policies, mechanisms and submit them to the Minister for approval or for the Minister’s submission to the competent State management authorities for approval; in order to develop digital economic applications, encourage and assist enterprises implementating digital transformation. 
    b) Preside or coordinate with relevant offices in researching and building up legal frameworks for adjusting new business methods and models by applying digital technologies. 
    c) Preside or coordinate with relevant offices in propagandizing, popularizing policies, laws and practical skills on applying e-commerce and digital economy for enterprises and communities.
    d) Research, develop and implement digital technologies to support enterprises to connect with industrial clusters, value chains and international markets;
    e) Establish and operate the essential infrastructure for e-commerce and digital economy; building architectural frameworks and common technical platforms for business models applying digital technology;
    f) Preside or participate in implementing projects, schemes and programs to support enterprises in raising their digital capacity and participating in digital economic activities;
    g) Conduct consultancy activities, transfer technology, develop and provide core solutions for enterprises in applying e-commerce and digital economy;
    h) Act as the focal point in coordinating with ministries, localities and relevant offices promoting online public services related to production and business activities;
    i) Preside or coordinate with relevant offices building and exploiting big data on industry and trade, serving the policy formulation and state management on digital economy.

    6. In terms of developing online public services and e-government 
    a) Formulate and submit to the Minister for approval strategies, master plans, plans, target programs, action programs and schemes, decisions and directives on information technology application and e-government construction; and conduct the implementation after promulgation;
    b) Build up, implement, maintain and update e-government architecture at the Ministry of Industry and Trade 
    c) Formulate regulations, standards and technical regulations on e-government in the industry and trade sector; submit them to the Minister for promulgation and implement regulations on interconnection, integration and sharing of information and data between units under the Ministry, the industry and trade sector with units outside the Ministry and foreign partners;
    d) Preside, coordinate with relevant offices in building and operating technical systems serving the supply of online public services in the industry and trade; act as the focal point for coordinating and connecting technical issues with the National Single Window and the ASEAN Single Window;
    e) Supervise information technology application activities of units of the Ministry; formulate and evaluate programs, schemes and projects on information technology application in the activities of units of the Ministry;
    f) Preside, coordinate with relevant offices in building up and implementing projects and schemes that apply information technology in state administrative management and e-government in the industry and trade sector;
    g) Manage and use specialized digital signatures and digital signature certification services in e-transactions of the Ministry;
    h) Supervise and speed up the safety and security of the information system; evaluate the safety and security of the information systems of the Ministry.

    7. In terms of training human resources 
    a) Conduct the training courses on professional knowledge; popularize the implementation of legal documents relating to e-commerce, digital technology for official working in the field of e-commerce and digital economy; 
    b) Implement consultancy, short-term training, training on management and professional skills in the field of e-commerce and digital economy for enterprises and communities; issue certificates and training certificates in accordance with regulations.

    8. In terms of science and technology 
    a) Conduct the research and implementation of science and technology tasks, the application of technical progress on e-commerce and digital economy;
    b) Formulate standards and economic-technical norms on e-commerce and digital economy and submit them to competent authorities for promulgation or promulgate them in accordance with regulations.

    9. In terms of international cooperation
    a) Preside over international cooperation activities in e-commerce and digital economic development;
    b) Act as focal point to participate in e-commerce and digital economy working groups in multilateral and regional cooperation institutions; participate in cross-border cooperation mechanisms on e-commerce facilitation and digital economy for development;
    c) Submit international agreements related to e-commerce and digital economy to the Minister for signing or the Minister’s submission to the competent state management authorities for signing or participate in international e-commerce agreements; 
    d) Set up and carry out programs and projects on e-commerce and digital economy development funded by foreign countries and international organizations.

    10. Coordinate with Department of Personnel and Organisation in performing the task of State management over professional associations and associations operating in the assigned domains in accordance with regulations.
    11. Make periodical reports, extraordinary reports, evaluate e-commerce and digital economy status in the industry and trade sector and in the state management activities of the Ministry.
    12. Inspect, settle complaints and denunciations, anti-corruption, negative issues and propose measures to handle law-breaking acts under the management of the Agency in accordance with regulations and delegated management of the Ministry.
    13. Build up and implement the administrative reform program of the Agency in line with the objectives and contents of administrative reform program of the Ministry.
    14. Manage, organize the machinery, personnel and carry out the salary regime as well as the policies on rewarding, disciplining and professional training for officials and employees of the Agency in accordance with regulations and delegated management of the Ministry.
    15. Manage entrusted finance, assets; conduct budget allocation in accordance with regulations of laws.
    16. Undertake other tasks as assigned by the Minister.

    Article 3: Organizational structure

    1. Director General’s Assistance apparatus consist of: 
    a) Administrative office
    b) Policy divison
    c) International cooperation division
    d) E-commerce management division
    e) Research and Development division
    f) Public service and e-Government division

    2. Professional units
    a) E-commerce development center (Ecomviet)
    b) Center for Information and Digital technology (CID)
    Establishing, merging or dissolving units of the Agency is considered and decided by the Minister according to the Agency’s Director General proposal. 

    Article 4: Management directors

    1. The Agency has Director General and Deputy Directors
    2. The Director General and Deputy Directors are assigned, dismissed, transferred, rewarded and disciplined according to the regulations of Ministry
    3. The Director Genenral defines the functions and organisational structure of divisions and promulgate the management bylaws of the Agency
    4. The Director General is assigned, dismissed, transferred, rewarded and disciplined officials in terms of the Agency's management
    5. The Director General is responsible to the Minister and to the law for operations of the Agency; Deputy Directors are responsible to the Director General and the law for their work.